I am a Political Communication specialist, with my heart in research and my feet in advocacy, campaigning, lecturing and consulting. I work for Oxfam in Latin America and the Caribbean primarily focus on inequality.
My professional path begun with my first degree at Nuestra Señora de La Paz University (La Paz, Bolivia) (2003) and then took a new turn in London with a Master's degree (with distinction) in International Political Communication, Advocacy and Campaigning (Kingston University, United Kingdom) (2009).
My professional path begun with my first degree at Nuestra Señora de La Paz University (La Paz, Bolivia) (2003) and then took a new turn in London with a Master's degree (with distinction) in International Political Communication, Advocacy and Campaigning (Kingston University, United Kingdom) (2009).
I have been Research Associate on the faculty of Political Science at Nuestra Señora de La Paz University (Bolivia), also reader at Riga Stradiņš University (Latvia), and Research Fellow at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA). I am also fascinated by the effects of social media, political discourses and new security challenges as drug and crime in Latin America. These questions and issues have occupied my mind most of my time as academic researcher.
As a consultant for various international bodies like United Nations for Development Programme (UNDP) in Bolivia (2010-11), the Focuss.Info Programme by the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands) or the Christian Democratic International Center (KIC), Sweden. Feel free to find more about my work here in those sites:
- www.gobernabilidad.org.bo
- Focuss.Info Initiative and specificly on my role: http://bit.ly/focussBO
- Democratic School in Lima (Peru)
But when I am out and about I enjoy learning and improving my photography activity very much attached to my passion for travelling.
Recent Publications
Ask me directly by email, Twitter or Facebook.
- “El virus de la desigualdad. Cómo recomponer un mundo devastado por el coronavirus a través de una economía equitativa, justa y sostenible”. Oxfam Internacional. Enero, 2021. https://www.oxfam.org/es/informes/el-virus-de-la-desigualdad
- “Sí, pero no aquí. Percepciones de xenofobia y discriminación hacia migrantes de Venezuela en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú”. Oxfam en América Latina y el Caribe. Octubre, 2019. https://www.oxfam.org/es/informes/si-pero-no-aqui
- Trabajo (codirección creativa). Documental colaborativo sobre desigualdad y trabajo en América Latina y el Caribe. Oxfam. Enero, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzczjj9J7qs&t=132s
- Cuando las cifras hablan (coautor). Fundación para el Periodismo. La Paz, Bolivia. Diciembre, 2016 http://fundacionperiodismo.org/fundacion/layout/images/libro-cuando-las%20cifras-hablan.pdf
- ‘Abordaje cualitativo para el análisis del discurso en ciencias sociales más allá del lenguaje’ en Journal de comunicación social. ISSN 2412-5713. Universidad Católica Boliviana, La Paz, Bolivia. Mayo, 2016.
- Development at What Cost? New Conflict Over Bolivia’s TIPNIS Road. CSS ETH Zurich, Suiza. Mayo, 2012. https://isnblog.ethz.ch/environment/development-at-what-cost-new-conflict-over-bolivias-tipnis-road
- ‘ICT, Development and Education. Societies in Transformation and Change Paradigms in Bolivia’ in Memorias VII Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores. Politecnico Gran Colombiano. Bogotá, Colombia (October, 2011). ISBN 978-958-8721-05-7 (online version)
- ‘Qualitative approach for discourse analysis in Social Sciences beyond language’ in Análisis Político – journal of the Faculty of Political Science at Nuestra Señora de La Paz University. La Paz, Bolivia (August 2011).
- ‘Telecommunication Law in Bolivia: scope, limits, weak points and some alternatives to the bill regarding internet’ in Incertidumbre Jurídica, los riesgos del cambio legal. Milenio and Konrad Adenauer Foundations. La Paz, Bolivia. August 2011 (see or download online version)
- ‘Political Coca: Social Re/Construction of coca as ritual-discursive-political “artefact” in Bolivia’. Paper presented at the 6th Congress of the Bolivian Studies Association. Sucre, Bolivia (June 2011).
- ‘Political Parties in Bolivia: from the Neo-liberal collapse to the Plurinational State’. Distintas Latitudes. No. 21. 16th February 2012. Mexico (read online).
- ‘Ocho claves para entender el conflicto del TIPNIS en Bolivia’. Liberación. Year XXX, week 40, No. 1563. 7 October 2011. Stockholm (read online).
- ‘Ocho claves para entender el conflicto en Bolivia’. 27 September 2011. Animal Político, Mexico. (read online).
- ‘Bolivia: un fubol de desigualdades’. Distintas Latitudes, No. 13, 21st July 2011. Mexico (read online).
- From March to December (2011) I published a opinion column on a printed weekly called Aula Libre in La Paz, Bolivia.
- From February 2012 I am Global Voices author. You can follow my articles.
- ‘Internet as a political tool’. Workshop for VERDES. Workshops for democratic practice in political parties, sponsored by UNDP in Bolivia. Santa Cruz, Bolivia (November, 2011).
- ‘ICT, Development and Education. Societies in Transformation and Change Paradigms in Bolivia’ presented at VII Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores. Politecnico Gran Colombiano. Bogotá, Colombia (October, 2011).
- ‘Political Coca: Social Re/Construction of coca as ritual-discursive-political “artefact” in Bolivia’. Paper presented at the 6th Congress of the Bolivian Studies Association (AEB). Sucre, Bolivia (June 2011).
- ‘The Discursive Dimensions of the Coca Leaf’. Paper presented at the Faculty of History and Politics of the University of Hamburg. Hamburg, Germany (January 2011). (See or download presentation)
- ‘Security in Latin America: Local and regional issues in a global perspective’. Paper presented at the Talks on Security and Foreign policy for year 2010, event organised by the Latvian Transatlantic organisation. Riga, Latvia (January 2011). (See or download presentation)
- ‘Political Ritualised Practices: theoretical development and practical dimensions’. Paper in Political Science in Perspective. Event organised by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Nuestra Señora de La Paz University. La Paz, Bolivia (March 2010).
Ask me directly by email, Twitter or Facebook.
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