30 de agosto de 2012

"Uranium" | the latest play by Bolivia's government

Bolivian minister of Government, for sure one of the top five most up-to-date members officials, led on Tue 29th of August a police operative seizing, as he proudly said, 2 tons of uranium, right next to the town centre of La Paz.

Big news!

The minister, vice-minister and advisers quickly manage to calculate de value of such load. 50-million US dollars. Special police units guarding the load. Please take your sits, the show is about to begin! 

No one in the next few hours thought that would be a good idea analyse the radioactivity of the material confiscated first. Impressive.

Photo: @pagina_siete vía Twipic.
International press (at least part of the serious one) was more cautious and probably decided to digg further before buying the cheap tickets offered by Bolivia's ministry of Government.

Six hours after the official announcement, a massive police operative was conducted in order to transport the shipment to conduct laboratory analysis. By now, official reports say that is actually it was not uranium but Tantalum. Not a radioactive mineral, by the way. Is was all a theatre play or what?

photo: LaMalaPalabra via Facebook
As an expert put it, If it was uranium, the people close to such radioactive material, with no safety equipment, would have died within hours.

Oh, almost forgot, as part of the decorative stage, police did their best and, sponsored by Pepsi, cordon off the area using this funky yellow band:

Extra revelation: We know now who's behind the end of capitalism and the ban of coca-cola in Bolivia.

Bravo! Applause, please!
photo: LaMalaPalabra via Facebook

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